Tuesday, February 4, 2025
HomeUncategorizedJoin Harris Hotel Solo To Temp Your Tounge with Healthy Iftar

Join Harris Hotel Solo To Temp Your Tounge with Healthy Iftar

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Soloevent.id – Healthy menu for breaking the fast? Just stop by the Harris Hotel Solo. This Ramadan, a hotel located on Jl. Slamet Riyadi presents an iftar menu with the concept of Healthy Lifestyle.

“Like our hotel concept, Healthy Lifestyle, we offer a fresh MSG-free menu,” said Harris Hotel Solo Marketing Communication Daniyal Faqih to Soloevent.

There are four categories of menus, traditional Nusantara, Asian, Middle East, and Western. Harris Hotel provides around 200 food and beverage items during Ramadan. Only IDR 121.000/net you can enjoy that menu.

“The main menu here is the Middle East or the Arabian Corner. The guests’ favorites are Kebuli rice and Shawarma. For the traditional, fried foods will complete the visitor taste,” Daniyal added.

The Harris Hotel conditional offers 250-300 packs in a day.

They also bid one free for paying ten packs. Don’t forget to win Umroh prize by making multiple transactions of IDR 100,000 in this 4.5-star hotel. It will be announced on June 3, 2019. The winner will get a direct flight to the Holy Land, as well as 5-star hotel accommodation near to the Grand Mosque.

In this Ramadan 1440 H, Harris Hotel Solo also invites the Purwosari residents and orphans to break their fast.

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