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The Heritage Palace: Enjoy the Rides

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spot_img – Management of The Heritage Palace (Recreation place in Pabelan, Sukoharjo) held an iftar together with orphans, event organizers, hospitality, and the media on Thursday (5/23/2019).

The manager of The Heritage Palace Franky Hardy Soetjipto explained that even though it had not been operating for a year, the rate of visits had increased. The manager is going to build more vehicles to attract more attention.

There are four vehicles, the park, a transportation museum, 3D, and Omah Kwalik. “There are nine rides that are under development. At the end of 2019, it will be 100% complete,” he explained.

The venue will be a Convention Hall for music concerts and other events. “The extraordinary decoration will adorn it to get fantastic photos,” said Franky.

The Heritage Palace, an abandoned sugar factory, transformed into a recreational place in Solo in a short time. It takes about five months until done. The Heritage Palace was inaugurated in July 2018.

It opens from 9 am – 6 pm. Only takes 20-25 minutes from the downtown by using a motorbike. FYI, you can get a beautiful picture here.

To enliven the upcoming Eid Fitr holiday, managers will hold live music, Transformer cosplay, and food festivals.

It has cheap entrance tickets, IDR 20 thousand (weekdays + weekends). IDR 45 thousand (weekdays) and IDR 55 thousand (weekends), if you want to enjoy the attractions. Only IDR 55 thousand (weekdays) and IDR 65 thousand (weekends) you can pay for all.


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