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Ramadan’ Affection ala Rachmat Priyatna

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spot_img – Carrying fasting in Ramadan is an obligation. As a Muslim, Rachmat Priyatna must fulfill it. Although his work as Managing Director De Tjolomadoe is though, he remained sincere and was passionate about fasting.

Ramadan is a holy moment for him. “When it arrives, it feels like someone is in love. It’s hard to describe in words, but you know how people feel in love?” Said Rachmat to Soloevent.

He uses to be happy for it. Rachmat remembers when he was 9 years old, breaking fast was the most awaited time. He ate a lot of food. As a result, when he was about to perform the Maghrib prayer, Rachmat could not stand because of his glut. “At that time, my mother took a broomstick, then rub it on my stomach. You know what? It works. I could immediately stand up,” he chuckles.

Apart from a month full of blessings, Ramadan is also a month full of love. Even though he lived far away from his daughter, the man born on February 19, 1972, still tried to give attention and share the love while Ramadan arrived.

“My second child is studying at Diponegoro University, Semarang. At that time, I really wanted to break-fasting with her. I asked her for free or not. She said that I have it, but let’s do iftar together, dad. Then, I drive immediately through highway,” he said.

For Rachmat, Ramadan is a special month. The man who likes this architecture said Ramadan as a time to cleanse and reflect on life for the past year. This Ramadan, Rachmat wants to be more disciplined in carrying out worship. For him, discipline in religion is part of faith and piety.

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