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Colorful Ramadhan at Semanggi Village

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spot_img – Greeting Ramadan Gang Cempaka 11, Sampangan, Semanggi Village, Pasar Kliwon feels lively. Colorful LED lights adorn the village.

It is creating a beautiful and magical atmosphere. The various program just held by the Semanggi resident. It starts by selling Takjil before the dusk getting down, going to the mosque for performing tarawih and waking people up before sahor time.

Friday (05/03/2019), it was officially opened by Pasar Kliwon Sub-District Chief. The opening ceremony was filled with a hadrah parade. There are 16 hadrah groups invited.

“The Ramadhan Semanggi village has been held since 2018. This is the idea of the mosque community. They want to feel different for Ramadan,” said Takmir Al Istiqamah Mosque Jarot Prakoso.

The event also includes various takjil snacks for breaking the fast menu. There are around 15 takjil sellers from the Semanggi village residents. There are many choices of takjil snacks such as compote, fruit ice, sausages, various fried foods, snacks, and others. It is sold from 16.00-20.00 WIB.

“Every Saturday and Sunday there is religious music entertainment from the youth of the Al Istiqamah mosque. Later at the end of Ramadan, there is the Khataman Quran and after Eid, we hold a kupatan Syawal,” he added on Thursday afternoon (05/09/2019).

Al-Istiqamah Semanggi Mosque is in Gang Cempaka 11. During the Ramadan, there is always a sharing snack for mosque worshipers after magrib prayer.

The Semanggi Ramadhan village is livened up by various activities, such as bazaars, pilgrimage, Ramadan culinary, religious music, takjil, selikuran or khotmul Quran, takbiran, and Syawal’s kupatan. The event will be held from May 3 to June 5, 2019.

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