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Get Your Book Collection in Solo Membaca

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Soloevent.idSolo Membaca 2019 was held at the Sebelas Maret University Student Center (UNS) Surakarta (22-27/4/2019). Solo Membaca is one of the programs of the Student Press Institute (LPM) of UNS Surakarta.

“This time take the theme ‘Jelajah Aksara’. This can be a moment to introduce literature to Indonesian youth who are expected to understand literature. As well as increasing reading interest in the community, so as to increase the insight and quality of Indonesia’s human resources,” said Chair of the 2019 Solo Reading Committee Stephanie Theora Agatha.

This event does not only feature cheap book bazaars, but also book exhibitions, selfie competitions, book reviews, workshops, photography competitions, seminars, etc. The range of activities are follows: Sinau Nulis Essay with Rizka Nur Laily Muallifa with the theme of the book on Tuesday (4/22/2019) starting at 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.; and book review The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson with M. Fauzi Sukri (essayist and illustrator in the Bilik Literacy) on Wednesday (4/23/2019) starting at 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

On the last day there was a photostory workshop “Menuturkan Makna Melalui Foto” by Boy T. Harjanto (photojournalist freelancer) and Jauhari, S.Sn., M.Sn (Lecturer of the UNS Surakarta DKV). This workshop was held in the UNS Surakarta Student and Alumni Bureau Meeting Room starting at 8:00 a.m – 4:30 p.m.

Then for the book bazaar, Solo Membaca collaborated with fifteen book publishers, namely Raja Murah, Gramedia, Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Agromedia, Anak Hebat Indonesia, LkiS, Diomedia, Tiga Serangkai, Grass Media, Komunitas Bambu, Jakarta Book, L-Media, Indiva, Kekata, and Gerakan Menulis Buku Indonesia.

Well, if you like to read books, maybe you can go to this event


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