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HomeUncategorizedComi and Cito Payung Teduh to "Musuh Publik"

Comi and Cito Payung Teduh to “Musuh Publik”

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spot_img – Aziz Turhan Kariko aka Comi and Alejandro “Cito” Saksakame is known as personnel of folk band Payung Teduh. Comi played bass and Cito beat the drum.

Lately, Comi and Cito have a new band project. Its name is Logamulia. In the band, Comi and Cito played the same instruments as in Payung Teduh. The music they played was different from Payung Teduh. They call the type of music Groove thrash metal.

On February 7, 2019, Logamulia just released its first single titled Musuh Publik. It tells about a group of people who were slandered, insulted, and ridiculed by other parties. Although the opportunity to take revenge, they choose to keep it down and do something useful.

The lyrics and guitar riffs were made by Comi. Three other personnel also perfected. Guitar riffs added by Pratama Putra Rahardjo a.k.a. Ayi, the drum filled by Cito, and Ahmad “Apit” Hafidzullah as the vocalist edited the lyrics according to the vocal pattern. “Alhamdulillah, the song was made in only one recorded,” explained Comi.

Reportedly, the song will be the opening for the album which is planned to be released in June 2019. Besides “Musuh Publik” Logamulia has also recorded five songs.

Luckily, you can listen to “Musuh Publik” on streaming music services and YouTube.

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