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5 Things before Watching Mata Batin 2

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spot_img – If you are curious about the continuation of the movie Mata Batin, you can immediately go to the cinema. The problem is that as of January 17, 2019, Mata Batin 2 began to air.

The horror film produced by Hitmaker Studios still stars Jessica Mila as the main actor. This time, Jessica will be accompanied by Nabila Putri, Jeremy Thomas, Sophia Latjuba, Citra Prima, Bianca Hello, and other artists.

Before you watch the film, first read the five facts about Mata Batin 2.

1. A sequel of Mata Batin

The first film released in 2017 then tells about Alia (Jessica Milla) and her sister named Abel (Bianca Hello). After his parents died, Alia and Abel moved to the house where they lived as children. There they experienced a mystical event until finally Abel died mysteriously.

In the sequel, Alia decided to stay and work socially in an orphanage. However, there Alia again got a lot of terror. Is this terror related to the death of his sister? How did Alia deal with this terror? You can find the answer in the film.

2. Directed by Rocky Soraya

Mata Batin 2 is still directed by Rocky Soraya. This son of Raam Soraya (owner of the production house of Soraya Intercine Films) previously also directed other horror films, such as Suzzanna: Breathing in Grave, Sabrina, The Doll, The Doll 2.

Rocky said, the Inner Eyes were prepared to continue. And still according to Rocky, the film this time is fresher and tighter than the first. As a director, Rocky tried as much as possible to deal with players, shooting tools, technology, and costumes.

3. There are new figures

Many new characters appear in the film Mata Batin 2. The characters starred Nabilah Ayu (Nadia), Jeremy Thomas (Fadli), and Sophia Latjuba (Laksmi).

Directed by Mata Batin 2 Rocky Soraya explained the new characters presented to give freshness. These players were chosen by Rocky. The artists were invited to join because the quality of acting didn’t need to be doubted.

4. Using CGI better than the first film

Mata Batin 2 uses technology called the CGI computer-generated imagery, which is better than the first film. The CGI in the movie Mata Batin 2 is said to have been improved and is expected to be in accordance with the wishes of fans.

According to Rocky Soraya, the quality of Mata Batin 2 is his concern. He wants the film not to be shy. Film Mata Batin is broadcast in Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, and is also available in the movie streaming application Netflix and Amazon.

5. Mata Batin 2 is more sinister

Mata Batin 2 is claimed to be more sinister than the first film. Besides being added to some horror effects, shooting this film is done in a place that is said to be haunted.

This time, Jessica Mila as Alia got a terror from a revengeful spirit named Darmah.

After reading the five facts of the movie Mata Batin 2 above, do you want to rush to the cinema?

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