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Synopsis of Mata Batin 2: Jessica Mila Gets Terror from Demon

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spot_img – If Mata Batin 1 has made you scared, then you have to get ready when watching the sequel. Mata Batin 2 would make fur goose bumps.

There are several things that make the Mata Batin 2 is more scary. One of them is the use of CGI computer-generated imagery. Horror effects will feel more real when using these technologies.


Reportedly again, the film by Rocky Soraya is undergoing shooting in a haunted place. Wow, maybe the “ghost” appeared in the film, right?

Besides Jessica Mila and Citra Prima, Mata Batin 2 also cooperates with new actors. There are Sophia Latjuba and Jeremy Thomas. They acted as Laksmi and Fadli.

Mata Batin 2 continues the story. After her sister died mysteriously, Alia (Jessica Mila) decided to start a new life by staying at the same time as social work in an orphanage owned by Mrs. Laksmi and Mr. Fadli. But Alia felt there was something strange about the home.

Nadia (Nabilah Ayu), one of the orphanage children, apparently also has an open inner eye like Alia. She could hear mysterious voices asking for help from all over the walls of the house. Alia and Nadia open a mysterious room that is locked. Since then terror began.

It turned out that Alia and Nadia had made a fatal mistake. They released Darmah, a revengeful spirit who was deliberately locked in the room. Together with Mrs. Windu (Citra Prima), the paranormal and mentor of the inner eye, Alia must confront Darmah and save the orphanage. There are so many mysteries in the orphanage.

Then, what is the end of this story? Did Alia and Nadia save the orphanage? If you’re curious, you can watch this in theaters starting January 17, 2019.

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