Tuesday, February 4, 2025
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Pour Imagination Through Photo

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Soloevent.id – 42 students of Photography of Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Surakarta of 2017 held photo exhibition entitled “Imaji”. The ended year of semester was held at Rumah Banjarsari, Wednesday-Thursday (16-17/1/2019).

The work of digital imaging was showing off here. This photo already got editing by digital imaging process. There 81 works that exposed. Digital imaging is continues technique after the basic photography.

In this exhibition, the students were pouring the imagination trough the work of photography. One of the works has title “World of Technology” by Sigi Wicaksono. He told about technology development was adhere with our life, especially, kids. “Technology is a tool, but to make kids enable to work together and motivated is a teacher task.” He said.

The one of committee “Imaji”, Novian Fendi, said that every semester they always make exhibition with different theme. “This time we took digital imaging. We always make works, mixing from photoshop and color photo,” he said to Soloevent on Wednesday.



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