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K-Pop Dance, Unite Ari Irham and Yorike Angeline Chemistry

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spot_img – How sensitive you are? You will get answer after watching After Met You. The film produced by RA Pictures is collaborating with Mega Pilar Pictures starred by Ari Irham and Yoriko Angeline.

Thursday (10/01/2019), the two young artists held a meet and greet at Solo Paragon Mall Food Factory. Their fans, who are mostly teenage girls, look excited to meet idols. When Ari and Yoriko appeared on stage they shouted “Ari … Ari … Ari …”


They give greeting to fans. Then, the cast of After Met You told the experience during the shooting process, one of them was how to get chemistry. “We always have totality at work. Usually when we are free, we spend time for chatting, watching senior while shooting, and dancing K-Pop style.” Yorike said.

This teen drama film tells the story of love relationships Ari and Ara. One time, Ari, who was known as womanizer, got a challenge from his gang to conquer women’s hearts.

Ari accepted the challenge. Ara, an introvert and smart girl, was the target. Although only betting, but after a long time Ari falling for Ara. However, Ari’s love journey is not easy. Some things happen. One of them is the emergence of Azka, Ari’s close friend, who also likes Ara. Not only that, Ari also had to face himself. The old wound from his past appears again.

The film, directed by Patrick Effendy, aired in theaters starting January 10, 2019. After Met You is a film adapted from the same novel by Ari Irham and Dwitasari.

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