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History from Special Cuisine of Solo, Sate Kere

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spot_img – Have you ever tasted satay kere? This typical Solo culinary is made by dregs tofu and beef innards not by mutton or chicken. After roasted, the dregs tofu and the beef innards is poured with peanut sauce. Sate Kere is usually served with lontong (rice wrapped by banana leave).

There is a reason for choosing that ingredients. Quoted from, the historian from Solo, Heri Priyatmoko, said that satay kere was made by the lower classes to resist towards nobles and rich people in the feudal culture of Solo.


In ancient times, satay was expensive food, only rich people could eat it. They want to enjoy the delicious satay, so the lower class made food from dregs tofu and beef innards. Although using cheap ingredients, the taste is near with meat satay.

In the past, this typical Solo culinary was sold village to village. Now, Satay Kere sold at several famous restaurants. It is no longer satay’ Wong Kere (poor people).

Do you want to try satay kere? Just go to the Festival Sate #2 which is held at VIP Parking Hartono Mall Solo, 10-14 January 2019. Besides that, you can also try various other satay.


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