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Going to Pieces for Keluarga Cemara

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spot_img – Harta yang paling berharga adalah keluarga. Istana yang paling indah adalah keluarga.”

If you are growing up in ’90 era, you must be familiar with that lyric, right? That memorable lyric is a soundtrack of Keluarga Cemara. This soap opera was airing on 3 May 1996.




Don’t you miss Abah, Emak, Euis, and Ara? Start on 3 January 2019, you will see them again on cinemas. Yap, Keluarga Cemara will be on screen.

Yandy Laurens as the director shows the modern side of Keluarga Cemara. The cast is also change. Emak and Abah will be played by Nirina Zubir and Ringgo Agus Rahman, it will leave Novia Kolopaking and Adi Kurdi behind, Euis and Ara will be played by Adhisty Zara and Widuri Putri Sasono.




Even the cast change, it will never change the soul of this movie. The plot is same as family whom actually rich but they had bankrupt.  Then, Abah takes his family to his old home in suburban area. He tries to make his family happy and he is working so hard for it. When he cannot take it anymore, his wife come to make him stronger again with her love. This movie is full of love, struggle, hardship and soon.

Just use tissue to wipe your tears, because this movie will be so heart-breaking.

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