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HomeUncategorizedNew Year Eve in Solo: Gamelan Take Over the Fireworks Party

New Year Eve in Solo: Gamelan Take Over the Fireworks Party

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spot_img – 2019 New Year Celebration in Solo is still like last year, without fireworks. Through circular letter (SE) Mayor No. 334/3826, F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo as the Mayor of Solo appealed to residents not to light fireworks and firecrackers because they could endanger the environment.

No fireworks, it does not mean 2019 New Year Eve in Solo will be quiet. Solo City Government has prepared gamelan performance instead of fireworks on the car free night.




Gamelan will be played at five points along Jl. Slamet Riyadi-Jl Jenderal Sudirman. Besides that, you will also be entertained by art performances by sub-districts. As a sign of the turn of the year there will be a beating of the gong and playing gending karawitan.

The art stages will take place at the courtyard of the Solo City Hall (main stage), Gladak intersection, Ngarsopuro intersection, Sriwedari Plaza, and in front of Loji Gandrung.

This Car Free Night event must also be free from motorized vehicles. Road closure starts from Purwosari to Solo City Hall. Road closure begins Monday (12/31/2018) at 9:00 p.m. until Tuesday (01/01/2019) early morning at 01:00 a.m.

Well, for welcoming the New Year Eve 2019, maybe you can invite family / friends / girlfriends to spend the night at Car Free Night Solo.


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