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Reckless, Sissy Prescillia Take a Shoot while Sick

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spot_img – If you are fans of Ada Apa dengan Cinta (AADC), you must be familiar with Sissy Prescillia? In the film, Milly played by Sissy is silly, slow, and often not understandable. However, Milly’s character is different from Sissy Prescillia’s life.

Sissy born on April 5, 1985 are strong woman and totality. It proven by Sissy was actually sick, but she was reckless to go shooting. “I was really drop and the doctor had suggested to take a break for a few days,” Sissy explained in the meet and greet the film Milly & Mamet at The Park Mall on Thursday (12/13/2018).


Scriptwriter Milly & Mamet, Meira Anastasia, added, during shooting, the team prepared mattresses, ambulances and medical staff for Sissy. “Sissy is strong, even though she was sick, she still came. Her face was pale, she also still used IV. In fact, she had a heavy scene,” she said.

According to Sissy Prescillia, who made her strong and comfortable doing shooting is the team of Milly & Mamet film.

The film directed by Ernest Prakasa was a spin-off from Ada Apa Dengan Cinta. In this romantic comedy, the characters Milly and Mamet are more explored. Ernest said why did Milly and Mamet suddenly get married in AADC 2? The answer can be found in the film Milly & Mamet: Ini Bukan Cinta & Rangga.

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