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Celebrating Diversity at the Solo Photo Festival 2018

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Soloevent.id – Students of the Photography Study Program of the Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) Surakarta again held a Solo Photo Festival (SPF). This event featured photographic works of ISI students in Indonesia and other campuses.

Solo Photo Festival 2018 is held at ISI Surakarta Gallery Building Campus II, Friday-Saturday (9-10 / 11/2018).

Followed by 5 educational institutions


There are 5 educational institutions involved in the event, namely ISI Padang Panjang, ISI Denpasar, Polimedia (Jakarta), Trisakti University (Jakarta), and ISI Solo. They performed several works such as “Twigs”, “Aku and Dangsil”, ”, “Aku dan Dangsil”, “Kejar Mengejar”, “Menatap dalam Diam”,”Undan”, “Hypnosis Massal”, etc.

Lecturers are involved


Not only students, some lecturers were also involved in the exhibition. They included Johan Iswahyudi, Luluk, Ketut, and Anin. All of them are lecturers of ISI Surakarta Photography Study Program. One of his works alludes to hoaxes.

Raised the theme “Urip Arep Urap Urup”


The theme means life must be able to give meaning and spirit of kindness in diversity. The theme is manifested in various photography genres and techniques.

The Solo Photo Festival 2018 Team, Febri Pratama Yoga, said the theme taken contained a special meaning which was able to ignite a spirit of diversity in the world of photography.

There is seminar


Solo Photo Festival also organizes workshops and seminars. The workshop was held at Pasar Gede with the theme “Toys”. The national seminar reviewed today’s photography discourse “The Development of Photography Theory in the 4.0 Era” with some interesting speakers.

For the exhibition, SPF presents photography works of pure art genre to still life photography commonly known as conceptual photography.

Closing of Solo Photo Festival


The closing of the SPF 2018 was attended by delegates from several cities whose works at exhibititation. On the show there are dangdut and other music entertainment.


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