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Line Shopping, Business for The Gen Z

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spot_img – Besides Webtoon and Line Today to entertain the platform, now Line has a new feature called Line Shopping that is used for buying and selling online. Line Shopping is intended for millennials who have a business.

To use it, you only need to enter the Line @ application and add the Line Shopping feature. The Line Shopping concept is similar to a market place, except that all transactions will enter directly in the messenger chat. Line Shopping collaborates with Doku and JNE.

Many of the benefits offered to sellers, one of which can grow the business. Another advantage is that it allows users to send various types of messages to all customers and fans. Users can answer questions and make personal conversations more easily. Users can also promote business by making a post on the home page so that they can be seen by followers.

Through Shopping Line buyers can get quality items because they have an accuracy system for certain brands.




On Wednesday (08/29/2018), Line stopped in Solo to introduce Line Shopping for young people who have businesses. The program titled Line Seller Corner was held at Aston Solo Hotel.

The event was themed “Explore the Millennial Market with Line Shopping”. The Merchant Acqusition Manager Line, Dini Ghassani, said that the new line features targeted millennials as users. “Market place users are currently dominated by millennials. We want to invite young people especially in the city of Solo so they can develop their business, “he explained.

Line Seller Corner also invites young businessmen, Famela Nurul Islami, to share experiences. Famela is the owner of Lidi Geli, an ancient snack that is packaged in the present. From what was originally only a lover of Indonesian snacks, now Famela can pocket hundreds of millions Rupiah from the culinary business.

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