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The Nationalism Spirit of Vespa Community in Solo

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spot_img – Bung Karno said that a great nation whom has respects for its heroes. On Indonesia’s 73rd Independence Day, Friday (08/17/2018), Bung Karno’s advice was carried out by the Vespa Solo community who were members of the Scooterist Community.

This community held an event with Red and White Festival theme. One of the activities is to sow flowers at the Heroes Cemetery and give compensation to veterans. Chairman of the Red and White Festival, Budi Solehan, said the community wanted to change people’s views about the motorbike community and show that the Vespa community had a spirit of nationalism.




Red and White Festival are centered on Vastenburg Fortress. As a peak, the participants give household need to people. The event continued with a convoy to the Kusuma Bakti Heroes Cemetery and ended with a flower sowing.

Scooterist Community also provides benefits to veterans in Solo. They want to help ex-combatants through this social activity.

“Veterans are also included as heroes who we must pay attention to, they are fighting for the independence of the Indonesian people,” Budi said.

Activities that have been going on for 3 years are always routinely held. This activity is at the same time to arouse the spirit of nationalism and build the nationality of the Vespa community.

Besides in Solo similar activities were also held in Bandung. Budi hopes this activity can be held in all cities in Indonesia.

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