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Via Vallen Brings Dangdut to the Asian Games

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spot_img – Via Vallen will be performing again in Solo. The dangdut singer who is on the rise became one of the performers of the Klewer Harmoni Market at the Solo City Hall. The event was held two days, Friday-Saturday (3-4 / 8/2018). Via will appear on Friday afternoon.

The singer of song hits “Sayang” is famous now. She was chosen to sing the theme song of the 2018 Asian Games. The woman who was born in Surabaya on October 1, 1991 was appointed by the Indonesian Asian Games 2018 Organizing Comitte (INASGOC) as the official singer who will perform the song entitled “Meraih Bintang” in the album Energy of Asia. There are 13 cross-genre songs on the album, one of them is dangdut.

The song will be released on June as the official song during the 2018 Asian Games event in Indonesia. Quoted from, INASGOC Chair, Erick Thohir said the Via Vallen election was a tough process. One reason for INASGOC is dangdut becoming a popular genre. Via Vallen is the one who fits it.

Does the 2018 Asian Games theme song will be delivered live by Via Vallen in Harmoni Klewer Market? You can see the answer by yourself at the event. Tickets can be bought at the venue for IDR 30 thousand (1 day) and IDR 50 thousand (2 days). The ticket will be in the form of a BRIZZI card.

Besides Via Vallen, Harmoni Klewer Market is also enlivened by other cool singers / bands, such as Glen Fredly, Raisa, Andra and the Backbone, Tulus, Kahitna, and Ipang Lazuardi. On Saturday, it will be accompanied by the Grand Final for the selection of Putra Putri Solo 2018.

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