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Malem Selikuran Parade of Surakarta Palace

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Soloevent.id – Welcoming the lailatul qadar which come down during the last ten days of Ramadan, Kasunanan Surakarta Palace held a Malem Selikuran Parade. In this year, the event was held on Tuesday (05/06/2018).

Parade was followed by the royal family, courtiers, court clerics, courtiers, and invited guests. Departed from the Surakarta Palace, they walked across Supit Urang-Jl. Pakubuwono-Jl. Slamet Riyadi and ends at Joglo Sriwedari. It accompanied by gamelan along the way filled with prayers.

The hallmark of Malem Selikuran is the spread of ting lights, lanterns, and 1,000 nasi tumpeng.

High lights and lanterns are a reflection of the welcome of the Prophet Muhammad by his companions after receiving revelations from Jabal Nur. That said, at that time the Prophet was greeted with full of sparkling torches.

Prophet Muhammad and friends then held a meal together. Well, eating together is inspired the distribution of 1,000 tumpeng rice from the palace to the citizens. The number 1,000 is a symbol of the glory of lailatul qadar: one night is more than a thousand moons.

And here is a summary of photos from the malicious Malem Selikuran.

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