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Homeart and cultureMalem Selikuran Parade Surakarta Palace Will Share 1,000 Tumpeng Rice

Malem Selikuran Parade Surakarta Palace Will Share 1,000 Tumpeng Rice

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spot_img – The last 10 days of Ramadan to be the time of the descent of lailatul qadar is one night that has a thousand moons.

To commemorate it, the Kasunan Surakarta Palace will hold a nightly procession of Malem Selikuran which held on Tuesday (05/06/2018) night. This sermon will begin at the Surakarta Palace and end at Sriwedari Park.

Participants will carry around 1,000 tumpeng rice which is contained in several anta cantaka (brown containers made of wood). There are also lights that will be turned on during the carousel.


Pengageng Parentah Karaton Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat, KGPH Dipoksumo, said that the number of ting lights is still calculated. Surakarta cooperates with Baluwarti Village in providing high-quality lighting.

According to Gusti Dipo – aka KGPH Dipokusumo, the chaos of Malem Selikuran full of glittering lights illustrates the footsteps of welcoming the companions of the Prophet Muhammad SAW after returning from Jabal Nur with the revelation of Lailatul Qadar.

Gusti Dipo hopes that the malay of the Malem Selikuran can provide learning for the people to continue to follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

Malem Selikuran usually ends with the distribution of 1,000 tumpeng rice to the community. This number symbolizes the virtue of the night of lailatul qadar. Before being distributed, the tumpeng rice was prayed by religious leaders.

The food brought blessing, the rice cone was immediately consumed by residents.

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