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HomeUncategorizedInternational Gamelan Festival will be held in Solo

International Gamelan Festival will be held in Solo

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spot_img – In August, precisely 9-16, karawitan groups from various regions in Indonesia – even overseas – will be performing in Solo at the 2018 International Gamelan Festival. Some karawitan groups from abroad who will perform include Siswa Sukra (English), Wesleyan Gamelan Ensemble (United States), Widosari (Netherlands), Surya Kencana A (Hungary), Lambangsari (Japan), and many more.

Through its official Facebook account, the International Gamelan Festival 2018 reports that this event consists of several series of activities, namely performances, conferences, workshops, book publishing, and exhibitions.


For the show, the plan was held at Fort Vastenburg, the Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) Surakarta, Bentara Budaya Soedjatmoko Hall, Banjarsari House, Surakarta Kasunanan Palace, Pura Mangkunegaran, Lokananta, and other strategic venues.

This international music festival is expected to gather between gamelan groups, proof that gamelan has been spread to various parts of the world and appreciated by various types of society.

“Gamelan is not only spread and becomes part of traditional culture in the archipelago, but has spread beyond the state administrative boundaries.” Since the beginning of the last century, gamelan has existed in European countries, followed by America, Australia and a number of Asian countries,” wrote the 2018 International Gamelan Festival on its Facebook account.

Inviting gamelan actors, observers and researchers, the 2018 International Gamelan Festival wants the gamelan to be known more widely.

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