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Voca Erudita Holds Special Concert

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spot_img – Voca Erudita held a Grand Concert to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Surakarta Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Student Choir (PSM). The concert held on Sunday (6/5/2018) at the Auditorium UNS Surakarta, was presented in a different musical nuance by presenting collaborations with the choir with the orchestra and the Voca Erudita alumni.

Led by the conductor of Voca Erudita, Redi Sabtono; and three junior conductors, namely Ardiyan Dika Adhyatma, Agata Martha Wardani, and Yosua Wiba Aguntar, they performed songs in various languages ​​from various ages and genres such as classics, contemporary, folklore, and pop.


The concert is divided into 4 sessions, namely Acapella I, Acapella II, Infinito, and Orchestra sessions. Opened with the song “As Long As I Have Music” from Don Besig then continued by displaying a repertoire of classic songs and Habanera that successfully delivered Voca Erudita won the international choir competition in Torrevieja, Spain, in July 2017. The three songs are “O Nata Lux”, “A Tu Lado”, and “Rosita De Un Verde Palmar”.

The next song is Rupert Lang’s “Cantate Domino” which is only performed by female choir. Then the turn of the men showed off “Dedication” which closed the Acapella I session.

Acapella II session was opened with the song “Soleram”, a lullaby from Riau, which was arranged by Josu Elberdin. After “Soleram”, the regional song from South Kalimantan, “Paris Barantai”, was delivered with rampak making an impression of a very dynamic acapella.

In closing the Acapella II, a series of love songs from Disney, “Disney Love Medley” by Jamey Rey, performed by male and female soloists named Agata and Tomi, successfully amazed the concert audience with its romantic rhythms and scenes.

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