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Welcoming 2018 in Solo with Different Sense

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Soloevent.id – There is something different about the New Year celebration in Solo. This time there were no fireworks in ​​Solo car free night which became the center of the New Year 2018 celebrations.

That was due to the Solo City Government want to keep the city conducive so that why residents did not light fireworks or firecrackers during the turn of the year. Instead, the Solo City Government beat 75 gongs placed along the location of the car free night along Purwosari-Gladag.


Nearing the second minute of entering the New Year 2018, the prayer reading was started by six religious leaders and then continued with a countdown, Mayor of Solo, F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo, led the beating of the gong at 00.00 WIB at the Ngarsopuro intersection. The video can be watched here.

But unfortunately, not 100% of citizens carry out the Solo City Government’s appeal. Along with beating the gong, there were still fireworks visible. In fact, after the gong was hit, a resident blatantly lit a firework near the main stage. The man was finally secured by Satpol PP and Linmas.


When giving a speech, Rudy explained that the gong was chosen because it had philosophical value. “Gong has a long echo. The hope is that the echo can proclaim to the Indonesian and international community, so that many citizens of the world come to Solo,” he said, Sunday (12/31/2017).

Rudy also hopes that in 2018 the community can further increase the spirit of unity in order to build Solo.

During the turn of the year, the stage at Ngarsopuro features a variety of entertainment, such as ketoprak, theater, dance and music performances. Besides Ngarsopuro, the art stage was also established in front of Diamond Restaurant, in front of Solo Grand Mall, Sriwedari, and Gladag.

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