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Agrotech’S Fair 2014 titled Caping Tani 2014

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The national scale seminar and talk shows are planned to be held on April 5, 2014, at the UNS Auditorium. The event is planned to be attended by the Deputy of the Indonesian Ministry of Trade, Bayu Krisnamurthi. Not only seminars but activities to visit the Bumi Langit Institute will also be held.
The visit was scheduled for April 6, 2014, and was also attended by the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo. It will also be attended by the owners of Bumi Langit Institute, Iskandar Wawuronto and chairman of the KTNA Central Java, Agus Eko Cahyono. Register yourself because the quota is limited.
Event: Agrotech’s Fair 2014 “Caping Tani 2014”
Date: 5 – 6 April 2014
Time: 08.00 WIB
Place: UNS Auditorium
CP: Fahry (085712553187), Sigit (085725629933)


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