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Solo Jenang Festival 2014 Postponed

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spot_img – The Solo Jenang Festival 2014 will postpone till February 23rd. Actually it will hold on Sunday, 16 February 2014 and Monday, 17 February 2014. It is juast because there is still a thick pile of volcanic ash erupting Mount Kelud after the ash rain that flushed in Solo and its surroundings on Friday (02/14/2014).

The Chairperson of the Solo Jenang Festival 2014 Organizing Committee, Slamet Raharjo, said that the Solo Jenang Festival was postponed to February 23rd or Sunday next week, with consideration of public safety and health.

“We agreed with the Solo City Government to delay the Jenang Festival. Beside the situation is not possible, we also think about the safety and security of the community and the committee, ” said Slamet, on Saturday (2/15/2014). Due to the volcanic ash that blanketed of Solo since yesterday, visibility on the road became very limited. In addition, air pollution also can endanger public health.

Efforts to clean up Jalan Slamet Riyadi and Ngarsapura Corridor are still being carried out by the Solo City Government together with the Solo City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) and the people who took part. It seems that these efforts have not provided maximum results. Although it is enough to reduce flying dust, air pollution is still very disturbing.

In addition to the Solo Jenang Festival, some of the Solo City agendas this February were also postponed. The ceremony of the Anniversary of Solo City on Monday (02/17/2014), the Solo Carnaval and the Puppet Carnival from the Ngarsopuro corridor to the General Sudirman Street (Jensud) corridor was also postponed until condition returned to normal.

“We postpone all the events in Solo until the conditions are safe and comfortable from Mount Kelud dust pollution except the night match. We still hold the title as raising funds for the assistance of the victims of Mount Kelud, ” said Mayor of Solo, FX Hadi Rudyatmo.

According to Rudy, the delay will not result in significant losses. There are no unused expenses due to the delay. “Nothing is thrown away. At least only moral loss because the event was postponed,”said Rudy.


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