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Lawfest Journey, More Hype with 5 Artists

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spot_img – Would you come to Lawfest Journey by Law Faculty of Slamet Riyadi University (UNISRI) Surakarta?  Say yes and hype on June 29, 2019, at the Pamedan Puro Mangkunegaran.

Chairperson of Lawfest Journey 2019, Rio Tegar Widiatama Patula said Lawfest is a campus program. “We work for that event. It is a hereditary event from the Faculty of Law of UNISRI,” he said for Soloevent on the UNISRI campus.

Through Lawfest Journey, Rio and his friends prove that students in Solo can hold a prestigious music event. It will be more special because Lawfest Journey will bring five artists. The five guest stars are Jasmine Trias, Marion Jola, Kunto Aji, Pee Wee Gaskins, and Navicula.

Is that hard to make those artists join it?

“It took a month to lobby the guest stars. Start adjusting their schedules, arranging accommodations to sponsors, and handling various other things,” explained Rio. On Wednesday (6/12/2019), Rio said that the preparation of Lawfest Journey 2019 was 85%.

Two years earlier (2017), the first Lawfest carry Extraordinary as a theme have Payung Teduh for the guest star. In 2018, “Back to 90’s” invite Yogyakarta bands, Sheila on 7 and Letto as the guest stars.

Join us if you want to sing along with Kahitna, Marion Jola, Kunto Aji, Pee Wee Gaskins, and Navicula. What do you waiting for? Come and get the ticket on or visit the ticket box at Kopi Si Budi, Kopipian, Tea n Tea Paragon, Throox, Rown DVSN Manahan, Solo Radio, and Dista FM (IAIN).

Pre-sale IV only IDR 85 thousand! “The committee provides 7,000 pre-sale tickets,” explained Rio.


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