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HomeUncategorizedPray For Kelud Charity Event in Tiga Tjeret Success

Pray For Kelud Charity Event in Tiga Tjeret Success

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The fundraising and aid program titled Pray for kelud, namely the action of concern for victims of the Mount Kelud eruption was successfully carried out on Sunday (2/3). It was raining, but the charity still done on schedule.

The event was opened by a speech from the Mayor of Solo, FX Rudyatmo. After that the audience was treated to the appearance of the Ketoprak group from Solo, Wiswokarman, who performed the story of humans who no longer cared about the earth which caused nature to be ‘angry’. The audience was also fascinated by the action of poetry musicalization collaboration and art performances by Gushmana. After that the joint prayer was offered, and followed by the Bengawan Syhony Orchestra. This charity is closed with a donation calculation session.

The event initiated by Cafe Tiga Tjeret that night managed to collect donations of 16 million rupiah. The funds come from the auction of paintings, charity boxes, the sale of roses, candles, souvenirs, and the entire proceeds of Cafe Tiga Tjeret’s income that night. The possibility is still increasing because donations through accounts have not been counted.

Acara Amal Pray For Kelud di Tiga Tjeret Sukses 2The Mayor of Solo, FX Rudyatmo claimed to appreciate this event, “Hopefully a charity event like this can be attended by entrepreneurs and other parties in Solo as a form of concern,” he concluded.

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