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Saloka Theme Park: Feel the Indonesian Nuance

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spot_img – Saloka Theme Park, the biggest amusement park in Central Java, was finally launched on Saturday (6/22/2019). This 12-hectare recreation place is located in Tuntang District, Semarang Regency. The location is easy to find because it is right on the Solo-Semarang route. The journey from Solo to Saloka Park takes around two hours.

Located in Central Java, Saloka Park tries to combine modernity with local wisdom. Marketing Manager of Saloka Theme Park Jodie Senoatmojo explained that Saloka’s name was taken from the legend of Baru Klinting, which tells of a dragon who is friendly and likes to help other.

The vehicle also named using Javanese terms, both Old Javanese and new Javanese, such as Bengak-Bengok, Jejogedan, Paku Bumi, Segara Prada, and others.

Saloka Park has five vehicle zones, namely Pesisir (with beach atmosphere), Balalantar (jungle-themed theme), Kamayayi (children zone), Ararya (adrenaline-filled zone), and Segara Prada (mining industry theme).

“In Saloka Park there are 25 rides divided into several zones. For adults, the Ararya zone can challenge them. For children can ride Kamayayi, Old Javanese language means to love children,” explained Jodie to the media crew.

In weekend and national holiday, there will be Dancing Fountain featuring the Legend of Baru Klinting. It is in 3D format.

Minister of Tourism Arief Yahya attended Grand Opening of Saloka Theme Park. Via Vallen, The Rain, Agnes Serfozo, Lady Percussion, and other hype it up.


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