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Homecoming to Solo? Enjoy the Ramayana Opera

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spot_img – Ask your relative to join Bakdan Neng Sala: The Ramayana Opera. The show will be held for three days, 7-9 June 2019, at Vastenburg Solo Fortress starting at 19.30 WIB.

Bakdan Neng Solo will play Sinta Obong. This 1-hour 45-minute performance will be presented differently from opera in general. The concept emphasizes contemporary dance without leaving tradition. The setting of music will sound like in opera way.

The show involved 150 artists from children to adults. The acting director was Agung Kusumo Widagdo. “This performance wants to raise the message of love for humans and the environment. The essence of the story is that love needs commitment and sacrifice; that’s what sometimes causes chaos. This performance will also explore the loyalty of Sinta, Rahwana, and Rama,” he said at a press conference at Pendhapa Ageng Taman Budaya Central Java, on Monday (05/27/2019).

Ramaya Opera scriptwriter ST Wiyono added, Sinta’s character will be made more attractive. “Sinta symbolizes the power of women who have integrity and determination,” he explained.

The stage will create more artistic. There will be a real fire. For costume will use realist concept.

The play “Sinta Obong” is a series of the entire Ramayana play. It starts from Anoman Duta, Rama Tambak, Anoman Obong, to continue to Kumbokarna Gugur and Brubuh Ngalengka.

Bakdan Neng Sala: The Ramayana Opera held for four times. This event is the annual agenda of Solo in every Eid. Four plays that have been performed were Anoman Obong (2015), Sang Anoman (2015), Rama Tambak – Kumbokarno Gugur (2017) and Gua Kiskendo (2018).

Surakarta Mayor F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo said that the Ramayana Opera was held to provide entertainment to travelers. “As well as inviting and motivating young people to love the culture,” he explained.

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