Monday, January 13, 2025
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SDN Cemara 2 after Classes 2019!

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spot_img – Does after classes mean for you? Do you familiar with “Class Meeting” after school exam? It is an event that held to kill the days after the exam.

SDN Cemara 2 No. 13 Surakarta is one of the schools that hold a class meeting. There were many activities at this event called “Jeda Semester”.

The head of this event, Niken Indah Kusuma explained that this event was different from the previous year. In this edition, students of class I-VI competes for their creativity through work to represent their respective classes.

The creative work will be exhibited at the event. Visitors are also involved. Visitors who come to the creation booths in each class can participate in the activities carried out.

Here, SDN Cemara 2 No. 13 Surakarta also holds storytelling competitions between students’ parent. They are selected from several classes. The Pause Semester was also enlivened by a creative product bazaar and art performances, such as student dances and choir performances. Niken also explained that this activity also involved schools around SD Cemara 2 No. 13.

“This event is intended as a forum for students’ interests and talents, as well as creating a literal society through literacy booth competitions,” said Niken.

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