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Made by Timus, Miniatur De Tjolomadoe recorded in MURI

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spot_img – De Tjolomadoe has a unique event to celebrate the 73rd independence of the Republic of Indonesia. The historical tourist attraction hits the Timus Festival for 4 days, 16-19 August 2018, on the East Parking Yard. There was a miniature of De Tjolomadoe building made from traditional timus food. The miniature is the peak of the timus Festival which was held on Saturday (08/18/2018).

There are 17,845 timus arranged in miniature. Timus was chosen because it is a traditional food from Karanganyar region and the number 17,845 of its is the date of independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

The miniature was carried out by a team from the Indonesian Chef Association (ICA) and Karanganyar Vocational School. The chairman of the ICA team, Brian Wicaksono, said that the festival was held to elevate the culinary culture of the archipelago so that it would not erode the era. ” Timus is made from yams, 2.1 tons of white and purple yams are needed to make it,” he explained.

In addition, the Timus Festival event also took part in several local MSMEs, people’s party bazaars, and development parades from several schools in Karanganyar. Timus Festival is the main concept for lifting local tourism from its culinary side. Thymus is a food that is easily available and commonly consumed by the public.

De Tjolomadoe’s President Director and Chairperson of the Timus Festival Organizer, Rachmat Priyatna, said that the event was held to enliven the 73rd Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia. “The activity was held not for a party, but for positive things, namely to develop community welfare, especially Karanganyar,” he explained.

The Timus Festival was successfully recorded in the Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI). MURI Executive Manager, Sri Widayati, said that the conditions for entering MURI must be several things, such as unique and rare. “This timus festival was recorded as the 8583th MURI record,”s he said.


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