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The Asian Games 2018: Torch for Solo

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Soloevent.id – “Indonesia! Indonesia! Indonesia!”

School students shouted the yells when the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, ran in front of them carrying the 2018 Asian Games torch. Ganjar – accompanied by his wife, Siti Atiqoh Supriyanti – became the 14th of 19 Asian torch bearers or torch bearers. 2018 Games.

Thursday (7/19/2018) afternoon, Solo became part of the excitement of the 2018 Asian Games event. The Asian Games torch was covered 9.8 kilometers along the city’s main streets. The torch relay departed from Tugu Makutho. The Central Java Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Condro Kirono, was appointed as the first torch bearer.

From Jl. Adi Sucipto, the torch then passed on Jl. Ahmad Yani-Jl. Slamet Riyadi-Jl. General Sudirman. The end point of the torch relay is at the Solo City Hall. Also in that place, the 2018 Asian Games torch was held overnight before being sent to the next city, Blitar, on Friday (07/21/2018) morning.

Not only Ganjar Pranowo and Condro Kirono, who were torchbearers other figures included dangdut singer Agung Hercules; film artist, Dian Sastrowardoyo; Mayor of Solo, F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo; Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, Basuki Hadimuljono. The torch is relayed in a relay.

Basuki is the last torch bearer. Arriving at Solo City Hall, the torch was handed over to the Deputy Mayor of Solo, Achmad Purnomo.

In his remarks, Ganjar Pranowo said that the 2018 Asian Games were an arena for proving Indonesia to the world. “At this Asian Games, Central Java supplies 54 athletes from 19 sports,” he explained.

Before the top event at the Bung Karno Stadium, Jakarta, on August 18, 2018, the Asian Games torch would travel to 54 cities in 18 provinces in Indonesia. For 35 days, the 2018 Asian Games torch traveled 18 thousand kilometers.

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