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Serene Nuance on the First Stage by Pusakata in Surakarta

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spot_img – After parting with Payung Teduh, finally Mohammad Istiqamah Djamad performed again in Solo Raya with his new project, Pusakata. The first appearance of Pusakata in Solo Raya took place at De Tjolomadoe Hall, Karanganyar, Saturday (06/30/2018).

That night Is and The Panganans (the accompanying band) appeared as Noah’s “Connected Universe” concert opener. There are nine mainstay songs played by Pusakata.


Almost all of the songs that Pusakata bawakan was created by Is while still together with Payung Teduh, including “Angin Pujaan Hujan”, “Menuju Senja”,“Untuk Perempuan yang Sedang dalam Pelukan”, and “Di Atas Meja”. Some songs are remixed, but some others have no significant change. The songs were sung in the distinctive voice of Is, who was melancholy.

Pusakata’s performance that night was more special because there were several songs that were first performed in the city of Solo, such as “Selalu Muda”, “Kita Hanya Sebentar”, and “Muram”. Shortly before chanting “Kita Hanya Sebentar”, Is told that the song was taken from the Nusantara script. “This song is taken from a story written in the Nusantara script entitled I La Galigo from Sulawesi. The manuscript [his age] is longer than the story of Ramayana and Mahabarata, “he said.

In addition Pusakata also brought one of his newest singles, “Kehabisan Kata”. The end of Pusakata’s performance that night closed with the most popular hits ever created by Payung Teduh, “Akad”.

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