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Ariel and his little surprise

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spot_img – For bands, maintaining good relationships with fans is an obligation. For example, as Noah did during a gig at De Tjolomadoe Hall, Saturday (06/30/2018).

Like the theme of the concert, “Connected Universe”, Noah’s Friends who came from various regions were united in happiness with the idol. In addition, the concert stage was made close to the audience, so the warmth between the artist and his fans grew thicker.


As if to share the happiness level, Ariel (vocalist of Noah) gave a small surprise to the audience sitting in the stands. While singing Noah’s latest single, “Jalani Mimpi”, Ariel suddenly appeared in the audience. With a tight escort and crowds of spectators approaching, Ariel still greeted the friendly fans, shook hands, and even served with a photo request.

After it, Ariel descended from the stands and returned to the stage to sing “Bintang di Surga”. At the break of the new song, he admitted he was gasping for breath when he delivered Bintang di Surga”.


“I should have come down from there (stands) here (stage), but instead passed outside. So I ran as fast as I could until I was thrown away by a thief, “he joked with a gasp. Ariel also apologized if there was Noah’s Friend who was pushed around as he greeted him in the stands.

At the end of his performance, the band invited one of Noah’s friends to go on stage for a photo together. Ariel also made fans happy by giving him exclusive photos. He grabbed a handful of fan cellphones and then selfie with the cellphone.

At his concert that night, Noah brought twelve of his flagship songs. Opened with l “Hidup Untukmu, Mati Untukmu”, then followed by “Langit Tak Mendengar”, “Walau Habis Terang,” and other songs.

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