Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeGalleryPhoto Gallery of Noah and Pusakata Concerts at De Tjolomadoe

Photo Gallery of Noah and Pusakata Concerts at De Tjolomadoe

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spot_img – After David Foster and Friends, De Tjolomadoe Hall became a venue for concert of great musicians. Saturday (6/30/2018), it was Noah and Pusakata’s turn to perform at the ex-Colomadu Sugar Factory in the “Connected Universe” concert.

Pusakata first appeared. Pusakata is a brand-new project by Mohammad Istiqamah Djamad (former Payung Teduh guitarist-vocalist). That night, Is, accompanied by the band The Panganans, performed songs he had created while in Payung Teduh; there was also the first single, Pusakata, “Kehabisan Kata”.

Noah who closed the event fulfilled his promise to perform optimally. Ariel et al. play 12 songs full of energy. Noah also slipped a new song entitled “Jalani Mimpi”.

You can watch the excitement of the “Connected Universe” concert in this gallery.

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