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Performs in De Tjolomadoe, Noah will presents 12 Songs

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spot_img – Noah will performs optimally when performing at an exclusive concert “Connected Universe” at De Tjolomadoe Hall, Karanganyar, Saturday (06/30/2018) night. This was conveyed by vocalist Noah, Nazril “Ariel” Ilham, when meeting the media at Alila Solo Hotel, Friday (06/29/2018).

Ariel said, “Connected Universe” would be Noah’s first room concert in the Solo. They will not make fans feels upset, Noah already prepared the shows.

“Performing indoor has many advantages. The way to present is different when we perform in outdoor. The lighting should be maximized. For us, performing is not only about singing, but also think.” he said.


They will be played 12 songs. Noah’s guitarist, Loekman Hakim, gave a little leak. “There may be two or even one from the album Sings Legends. There are many albums like Taman Langit or Bintang di Surga that we will bring too.” he said.

Retroactive representatives as the organizer of “Connected Universe”, Hendi Gusman, explained, this concert will be attended by Noah’s Fans from various cities in Indonesia, including Yogyakarta, Semarang, Pekalongan, Brebes, Malang, and Jember. “We call this concert ‘Connected Universe’ so that it can further tighten Sahabat Noah from many cities” he said.

Before Noah took the stage, there will be Pusakata who break the stage. Pusakata is the latest project from Payung Teduh’s former vocalist, Mohammad Istiqamah Djamad.


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