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HomeUncategorizedPusakata: A New Project of the Former Vocalist of Payung Teduh

Pusakata: A New Project of the Former Vocalist of Payung Teduh

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spot_img – There are many people who are not familiar with Pusakata. How about Mohammad Istiqamah Djamad aka Is, the former vocalist of Payung Teduh? Get it?

After leaving band, the singer of “Akad”, Is has a new project. Its name is Pusakata. Pusakata has two singles, namely “Kehabisan Kata” and “Cemas”.

The first title was inspired by the Metropole by Agnes Purwanti – wife of Is. The Metropole tells about the people of the City of Metropole who witnessed the change of a market into a big city. There are joys and sorrows. People were poured out at a coffee shop. “Kehabisan Kata” describes what is being discussed in the coffee shop,” said Is.

Since April 17, 2018, “Kehabisan Kata” can be enjoyed on various digital channels.

Two months later, Pusakata released their second single, “Cemas”. “Cemas” talks about children who are vulnerable to being victims of war, domestic violence or sexual abuse.

This 34-year-old man made “Cemas” in three parts. At the front there is anxiety, middle is a sweet melody, at the end raises fear. “Wherever children run, they will remain haunted by it,” he said.

Do you want to hear it live? You can come to the concert “Connected Universe” which will be held at De Tjolomadoe, Saturday (06/30/2018). Pusakata will perform there.

According to Retroactive as the concert organizer, Pusakata will sing their singles and also the songs he created in Payung Teduh. This will be the first appearance of Pusakata in Solo.


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