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Peek at the Ramayana Opera Concept

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spot_img – Every year, Bakdan ning Solo: Nonton Opera Ramayana committee tries to explore new things in terms of the appearance of the show. This time, Bakdan ning Solo will play on the artistic and musical side.

As the title, “Gua Kiskenda”, the stage will be made similar with the real situation. “We will display visual rocks that will be supported by lighting” said the representative of the artistic team of the Ramayana Opera “Gua Kiskenda”, Boim, in a press conference at the Pendapa Taman Budaya Jawa Tengah, Saturday (06/09/2018).

The venue will be decorated like a cave so that the audience can feel the atmosphere of the performance from the beginning.

If the previous three editions were held outside, this time would be held inside Vastenburg Fortress. It’s still with the concept of outdoor. The plan is that the stage will be erected between two banyan trees inside the fort, so that it can strengthen the setting.


The selection of costumes is perfect. Ramayana Opera Director Agung Kusumo Widagdo explained that the costumes would be made as creative as possible, but without leaving the tradition. “[Costume] resembles film,” he explained.

Music is also done optimally. Ramayana Opera Composer “Gua Kiskenda”, Dedek Wahyudi, said music would not only be an accompaniment and strengthen the player’s expression, but also appear as a separate force. “We want to make it like a Javanese opera,” said Dedek.

The Ramayana Opera will be accompanied by a gamelan. Through this performance, Dedek wants to show the majesty of the traditional musical instrument.

Bakdan ning Solo: Nonton Opera Ramayana is held on June 18-20 2018. This event can be watched for free.

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