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Ngabuburit Asyik at Alila Solo Hotel

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spot_img – Ramadan is only a few days away. Have you planned an agenda for breaking the fast? There is one place that seems suitable for breaking time, namely at Alila Solo Hotel. This Ramadan, Alila will hold a Ramadan Night Market event.

The event was held in outdoor, precisely at Largo Poolside 6th floor. Later, the Ramadan Night Market will be enlivened with food stalls serving various menus, especially Middle Eastern cuisine, such as lamb ouzi, kebabs, hot mazze, and others.



“The variant menus are served,” said Executive Chef Alila Solo Hotel, Iwan Dody Irawan, Monday (05/07/2018), during a press conference.

With IDR 128,000 ++ per person, you can eat the menus all you can eat. If you just want to enjoy one portion of the menu, there is a voucher IDR 20 thousand prepared by Alila to buy the alacarte menu. The voucher is a substitute for cash and is used as a transaction tool.

While enjoying the culinary, visitors will also be entertained with live music and movie night. However, screening of films is only done at certain times according to schedule.

In terms of decoration, Alila displays the concept of night market and Arabian nuances. “We install lights like night market. Then there are Arabian ornaments, “explained Food & Beverage Alila Solo Hotel, Anzo.



According to the Public Relations & Event Assistant Manager of Alila Solo Hotel, Tesa Puji Astuti, Ramadhan Night Market was held to enliven the atmosphere of Ramadan while providing a different and alternative nuance to the public ahead of breaking the fast.

This event is held from 19 May to 9 June 2018, at 17.00-20.00 WIB.

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