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Smart Try Out at Surakarta Residence

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Joint Selection to Enter State Universities or abbreviated as SBMPTN is a joint selection in the acceptance of new students in state universities using the national written test pattern that has been carried out showing various advantages and advantages, both for prospective students, PTNs, and national interests. For prospective students, the Written Exam is very profitable because it is more efficient, inexpensive, and flexible. This is due to the existence of cross-regional mechanisms.

The selection that promotes the principle of trust and togetherness is called the Joint Selection of State Higher Education (SBMPTN). SBMPTN is held to provide opportunities for high school / MA / SMK / MAK graduates to compete for the University seat they want.

Written examinations use exam questions that are developed in such a way that they meet the requirements of validity, difficulty level, and adequate differentiation. The SBMPTN written exam questions are designed to measure the general ability that is thought to determine the success of prospective students in all study programs, namely higher order thinking, which includes academic potential, mastery of basic study fields, science and/or social and humanities fields. In addition to taking written examinations, participants who choose the Arts and/or Sports Science study programs are required to take a skills exam.

The clever try out of the 2014 SBMPTN is one alternative to hone the academic abilities of students in preparation for the 2014 SBMPTN. This event will be held on Sunday, February 23, 2014, at Solo 2 Vocational High School. If you don’t know, SMK N 2 Solo is precisely in the Manahan area to the left of SMA N 4 Solo. To take part in this try out it’s not expensive, just pay Rp. 15,000.

  • Event: Smart try out of SBMPTN throughout the Surakarta Surakarta Residency
  • Date: Sunday, February 23, 2014
  • Time: 7:30 – finished
  • Place: SMK N 2
  • HTM: IDR 15,000


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