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Cohesiveness of the Team Compete at the Mobile Legends Competition

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spot_img – Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is a MOBA (multiplayer online mobile arena) game designed for smart phones. This game is being loved by many people, especially young people.

Competitions began to be held frequently. One of them is the 2018 Mobile Legends Solo Championship that held at Hartono Mall Solo, Thursday (08/16/2018).



The competition that has 7 million Rupiah total prize was held by Hartono Mall Solo, Indosat and Kartika. CEO of Mobile Legends 2018 Championship Solo, Fandry, explained, this event has been held 4 times in Solo.

“There were 87 teams that participated in this tournament,” he explained when met Soloevent. The participants were teenagers who had competitions before.

Every Mobile Legends competition always competes inter teams. Daffa, from Salatiga, brought his team members, Nuel, Olan, Evan, and Kevin. They have prepared a special strategy to deal with opponents. The preparations and training have been carried out in long time. They already mastered the hero character that they will play for.

Team cohesiveness is needed to defeat opponents. “This game, besides being an entertainment also trains concentration and mind strategy,” said the team leader, Nuel. They have been gamers since 3 years ago. This year they take part in the tournament and hope to win.

The students took training at school holidays. They also claimed that they can keep balance between playing their hobby with activities at school.


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