Unexpected things in Wayang Orang Sriwedari


Soloevent.id – Wayang Orang Sriwedari is 109 years old now. On Saturday (07/20/2019), Wayang Orang Sriwedari (WO) is working together with the Culture Office of the Surakarta City Government to hold a performance to celebrate the WO Sriwedari anniversary.

The show raises the theme Untaian Kisah Menembus Kasih with Mahabharata Adibrata play tells the story of the Pandawa journey since establishing the kingdom of Amarta (Indraprasta).

“Mahabharata Adibrata” has the meaning and philosophy of a victory that cannot be measured by strength, but rather that victory when we can feel and receive with a sincere and sincere heart. The Mahabarata talks about the war epic between the Pandavas and Kuravas, while the Adibrata is words taken from the Kawi language which means good deeds. The story featured the Mahabarata story from India with Javanese philosophy.

Many messages shared to the audience, Pandavas against Kurawa, who left the sadness of Puntadewa because they had to lose relatives. They decided no more war in this world.

The event opened by Surakarta Mayor F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo by cutting the cone given to Sriwedari Puppet players. In his speech, Rudy hoped that this event could reassert art and culture, especially puppet people. “Sriwedari Puppet Show has also been attended by several villages in Solo, such as Penumping Village and Pucang Sawit Village. Because this is one of the supports towards the World-level Solo Creative Arts Performing,” he said.

This 109th-anniversary celebration was welcomed by the people’s joy. If there are usually a lot of empty seats, that night the Sriwedari WO Building is filled with spectators. The seats inside and the upper balcony are full.

Many people also don’t get seats. They finally watched from the screen provided by the committee outside the Sriwedari WO Building.

Not only can you watch performances, but viewers can also look at the photo exhibition of WO Sriwedari performances from time to time. Besides, there is a photo booth decorated with WO Sriwedari figures.