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Be Winner at Festival Wayang Bocah

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spot_img – Hundreds of children from various talent shows at the Festival Wayang Bocah 2019. The annual event of the Surakarta City Government held for three days, Tuesday-Thursday (20-22 / 8/2019) at the Gedung Wayang Orang Sriwedari.

This time, Wayang Bocah Festival was supported by Cemara Dua, Gedong Kuning, Sang Citra, Pagutri, Metta Budaya, Adanu Jumantoro, Pincuk, Semarak Candra Kirana, Gandewo Pinentang, and Soeryo Soemirat.

The stories picked from the epic Mahabarata and Ramayana. Each participant needed 45-60 minutes to show their skill.

The participants compete to win this competition. There is a total prize of 22.5 million Rupiah for the champions. The participants must be thoughtful about makeup, costumes, storylines, movements, and dance. The jury assessed that.

The festival begins with the appearance of Cemara Dua Elementary School. They play Petruk Dadi Ratu, which tells about honesty.

Head of Culture Preservation Department of Surakarta City Culture Office and Festival Wayang Bocah Committee Chairperson Iis Purwaningsih said the event had to spread the vision and mission of Solo as a cultural city. “Besides, it is to preserve the local culture among children. This festival also has an educational value,” he said.

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