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Indonesia Marketeers Festival is Back!

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spot_img – This Indonesia Marketeers Festival (IMF) will hit 1.700 participants for 170 hours in 17 cities in Indonesia. The IMF is a grand festival with a unique and innovative concept. This event calls The Biggest Marketing Roadshow Event in Indonesia.

Solo is on the list. The event will holds in two days, Monday-Tuesday (8-9 / 7/2019) in two different places.

The first day is in Graha Solo Raya Building at 08.00-13.00 WIB. The material is about the Seminar Leadership Jaman Now. Then The Sunan Hotel Solo is the second day at 08.00-17.00 WIB. It is looking for the Solo Marketeers of the Year and Sales Promotion Break Through seminar.

In the seventh edition,  Sales Promotion Breakthrough is an Indonesia Marketeers Festival theme. It explores the five sales breakthroughs by MarkPlus that make sales and brands more catchy.

The said the breakthrough divided into five, Breakthrough 1: Benefit, Bonus, Bundling; Break 2: Flexi, Flash, Free; Breakthrough 3: Co-brand, Collab, Cross-sell; Breakthrough 4: Experience, Engage, Endorse; and Breakthrough 5: Limited, Loyal, Lucky.

This event calls two connectors, Hermawan Kertajaya (Chairman of MarkPlus, Inc.) and Jacky Musry (Deputy Chairman of MarkPlus, Inc.).

To follow this event, you must pay IDR 750 thousand. For more information contact 081390253899 (Whatsapp/SMS/Telp) or access the official website at

The Indonesia Marketeers Festival already held in Balikpapan, Batam, Pontianak, Bandar Lampung, Pekanbaru. After Solo, the IMF will visit Banjarmasin, Manado, Semarang, Kendari, Medan, Palembang, Makassar, Denpasar, Surabaya, Bandung, and Yogyakarta.

The Indonesia Marketeers Festival organize by MarkPlus, Inc. A company engages in business consulting, education, and media that has branches in various cities in Indonesia.

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