Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeLainnyaSatay, Barack Obama Indonesian Favorite Food

Satay, Barack Obama Indonesian Favorite Food

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spot_img – Do you like satay? This meat-based culinary must have been familiar to the Indonesian. In fact, in 2017, through the results of 35 thousand votes on social media, CNN’s news site placed satay in 14th out of the list of “50 Most Delicious Foods in the World”.

In Indonesia, there are various types of satay, such as satay Padang, satay lilit, satay Madura, satay buntel and others. Generally, satay is made from chicken and mutton. There is extreme satay such as cobra, bulus, and biawak satay.

Satay which originally came from Java can be found in various regions in Indonesia. So, satay considered as typical Indonesian food. However, not only Indonesia, but satay is also known overseas, such as Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, and Australia.

The history of satay has gone through a long process. Quoted from satay appeared in the 19th century, street vendors were sold around Java. At first, it was the Arab and Gujarat traders who inspired the creation of satay. In Tamil, satay means meat.

In the past, Indonesian cooked meat by boiling it. But after getting to know kebab which is typically Middle Eastern foods, many people started eating meat by grilled.

In Indonesia, processed meat modified by being cut, stabbed, spiced with spices, then burned. Satay is usually dousing with peanut sauce /chili sauce some are poured with soy sauce.

Satay is a favorite food for many people. President Sukarno and Barack Obama are two of them.

In the celebration of his appointment as President, Sukarno served satay to his guests. Barack Obama whose childhood had lived in Jakarta missed and wanted to taste satay again when visiting Indonesia.

Well, that was a story of satay. Now, you can enjoy satay in everywhere. What’s your favorite satay?


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