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Celebrating Diversity at Grebeg Sudiro 2018

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spot_img – On Sunday (02/11/2018) the residents filled Pasar Gede wait for the Grebeg Sudiro 2018 Cultural Carnival event.

Around 14.30 WIB, after the Mayor of Solo, F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo raise the flag, the participants began to show their action.


The most attention-grabbing came from the Gita Pamong Praja marching band. They got a standing ovation when the majorette can lift the bass drum with his teeth while standing on another bass drum pile. There are also barongsai, reog and traditional dances.

The cultural parade to commemorate the 2569/2018 Chinese New Year was attended by various groups of people, from Pasar Gede traders, tourism groups, to school students. They show various Javanese and Chinese arts also culinary.


The typical cuisines of Sudiroprajan Village are arranged in Jodang. The Jodang formed as a miniature of Solo City’s landmark buildings. The Grebeg Sudiro 2018 icon is the Loji Gandrung (the official residence of the Mayor of Solo) and the ’45 Banjarsari Monument. Both are filled with Kue Keranjang.

As in previous years, Grebeg Sudiro Cultural Carnival participants directed to walk from the Pasar Gede area to Gladak and then to the Sudiroprajan Village and back to the Pasar Gede page.


Entering the eleventh year, Grebeg Sudiro carries the theme Melestarikan Budaya Bangsa untuk Merajut Kebinekaan which is evidence that culture can unite various tribes, races, and religions.

“We invite the public not to view differences as weaknesses, but instead as a great potential,” said Chairman of the Grebeg Sudiro 2018 Committee, Bul Hartomo.

At the end of the event, around 4,000 Kue Keranjang were distributed free, thrown from the second floor of the new Pasar Gede. Despite heavy rain, people still enthusiastically scramble for that.

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