Celebrate One Decade, SIPA 2018 Conceptualized More Lively


Soloevent.id – 2018 will be a special year for Solo International Performing Arts (SIPA) because the international festival is entering its tenth year. SIPA usually held for three days, this one-decade edition will be held longer, which is five days. Performances with a large stage will be held on September 6-8 at Vastenburg Fortress. Two days earlier, September 4-5, the SIPA 2018 performance will be held in five cafes in Solo.

“Currently we are still coordinating with several cafes in Solo. Later we will fill it with dances. This is not pre-SIPA event, but it has entered its core event.” said the Director of Solo International Performing Arts, Irawati Kusumorasri, during a press conference at the SIPA Secretariat on Thursday (06/28/2018).

Ira et al. also is in communication with Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta to hold the 2018 SIPA series. “SIPA Goes to Campus will be enlivened by an indie band. This event is planned to be held on 4 or 5 September.” she explained.

From all that, Ira wants the 2018 SIPA to be life and the echo can be heard by the whole community.

On the same occasion, Ira also introduced the 2018 SIPA mascot to the media crew. Performance artist from Solo, Melati Suryodarmo, was chosen to be the mascot for this year’s performance. The daughter of the dance maestro, Suprapto Suryodarmo, will showcase the works she created.

SIPA 2018 will also present the actions of artists from within and outside the country. Irawati reported, currently there are five foreign delegates who will show off on the 2018 SIPA stage. They are from the Philippines, Italy, South Korea, Russia and Taiwan.

So, have you been impatient to watch SIPA’s decade-long performance? Save the date, please!