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Solo Menari 2019: 5,000 Jaranan Dancers

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Soloevent.idSolo Menari will be held soon. The annual event of the Surakarta City Government is often held in a colossal format. The theme of the event always changes. Last year, they performed the Gambyong Pareanom dance.

Followed by 5,035 female dancers, the activity was even included in the Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI) with the category “Most Female Gambyong Dancers in Indonesia”.

How about this year? Through an Instagram account, @disbudska, the Surakarta City Government Cultural Service will hold Solo Menari 2019 with the theme of Jaranan dance. The plan, the event was attended by 5,000 elementary and junior high school students in Solo.

If you want to follow, the Disbud of Surakarta is opening the registration of participants. The terms and conditions include status as grade students 3, 4, 5 elementary school or grade 7 and 8 for junior high school; fill out the online form at bit.ly/solomenari2019; and wearing costumes and attributes according to the direction of the Surakarta City Disbud. “Registration is closed if it reaches 5,000 dancers on Wednesday, April 10, 2019,” wrote the @disbudska account.

Solo Menari 2019 will be held during the celebration of World Dance Day on Monday, April 29 2019 at Sriwedari Stadium.

Historically, World Dance Day was introduced by the international dance agency CID-Counseil International de la Danse in 1982. This non-governmental organization invites all citizens of the world to participate to display a variety of distinctive dances in their country.

Together with UNESCO, CID is a forum for citizens of the world to stage dance performances from their culture. That way, it is hoped that all young people can continue to preserve culture through dance.

Packaged in a festival format, the commemoration of World Dance Day is considered to promote dance in a festive way. The people involved in it can also get new knowledge while also having the opportunity to showcase their work.

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