Taste the Spicy Fried Chicken a la Mamia


Soloevent.id – Wow, do you want to taste of spice fried chicken? Well, you can stop by Mamia Fried Chicken on the upper ground floor of Hartono Mall Solo Baru. Hartono Mall Solo Baru’s brand-new tenant has actually been open since June 8, 2018, but the grand opening was only held on Wednesday (6/20/2018).


In Ayam Goreng Mamia you can enjoy the signature fried chicken menu, penyet fried chicken, and kremes fried chicken with a choice of chest and thighs. The menus are served for 25 thousand Rupiah. You can also eat claw and chicken skin. The price is 6 thousand Rupiah (claw) and 15 thousand Rupiah (fried chicken skin).

Not only fried chicken, this restaurant also sells dishes from cows, such as lung, tripe, iso, empal, and ribs. If you want the menu, there is also a soup, including soup, tamarind vegetables, and lodeh vegetables.


The most favorite of these restaurants are signature fried chicken, kremes fried chicken, fried empal, penyet ribs, and cow lungs. According to the owner of Fried Chicken Mamia, Shella Sandy Hendrawan, spice fried chicken is the mainstay.

That afternoon Soloevent had the opportunity to taste chicken skin served with special soy sauce. Served with warm rice, super salty with crispy chicken skin feels delicious when mixed with ala Mamia butter sauce.

This restaurant also has a savings package of IDR 25.000 which contains crispy / fried chicken penyet / signature fried chicken plus free tamarind vegetables and mineral water. Until June 30, 2018, you can enjoy this package with only IDR 20.000.

Hhhmmm, enjoy the meal.