Hartono Mall Sate Festival 2019


Soloevent.id – Do you like satay? This time Hartono Mall Solo Baru will spoil with culinary again. The mall which is located at Jl. Ir. Soekarno, Solo Baru has a Satay Festival.

Taking place in the VIP parking area from Tuesday-Sunday (1-6 / 10/2019), this event will present around 30 kinds of satay from several areas in Solo and other cities.

Marketing Communication Hartono Mall Solo Baru, Elfizia Carina, said that the menus served were more varied and rich in flavor such as sate Ikan legian; sate Ikan Tirta wening Tlatar, Boyolali; dan sate kuda Mojolaban, Sukoharjo. You can also taste sate kere, sate serepeh, sate ponorogo, sate Kobra, sate ceker, sate kambing, sate kelinci, sate taichan, sate ambal, octopus satay, and squid satay.

In this event, Hartono Mall Solo Baru is not only offering satay, but also traditional snacks. “There are tiwul, cendol dawet, rujak Mangga, gulali, kerak telor, es cendol Bandung, putu bumbung, es gabus, and Gajahan Crepes. The Satay Festival and the Old Javanese Jajajanan will rock this event,” said Fia.

Besides cash payments, the Satay Festival also accepts digital payments. If you use Gopay, don’t forget to check the cashback and vouchers.